70x7 Live Music and Ministry

The live music ministry of Seventy Times Seven can be a powerful tool for evangelism in both the worship setting, and the concert setting. Faithful to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, 70x7 tailors the content of its performances to appeal to the makeup of the listening audience, with musical selections ranging from classic hymns to modern choruses and chart-topping CCM hits. Without compromise, the objective of the band's live music ministry is to proclaim the truth about God's love in a high-energy presentation that uses music as a vehicle to lead individuals into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The original music pieces performed by 70x7 are close adaptations of the scriptures, and the hymns and praise and worship songs are among the most popular ever written in order to promote audience participation, and a lifting up of voices in a corporate worship that will be pleasing to God.

In the worship setting, 70x7 seeks to lead people to a deeper, more personal relationship with their creator by performing music that is familiar, edifying, and enriching. The worship team's goal is to get everyone on their feet and help them to feel excited about praising God together in unity, and then make a musical transition that leads them into a time of adoration and thoughtful reflection about God's presence in their lives. 70x7 partners with church ministries throughout the region, leading their congregations in worship when called upon by church leaders. The worship team is sensitive to its responsibility to be ecumenical and works closely with each ministry to ensure the appropriate selection of music. 70x7 founder B.J. Collins has been a modern worship leader since 1997, and also directs the Saturday Night Band at Central Highlands Community United Methodist Church in Elizabeth, PA...

In the concert setting, 70x7 combines its music ministry with the powerful and heartfelt preaching of Evangelist Peter Kusko in order to provide memorable and spirit-filled events that deepen individual relationships with Christ, and re-energize the lives of those who are already walking in the path of Christ. An Evangelist ordained by God, Reverend Kusko's Ministry is for the lost of this world and the Body of Christ. His message is one of Love, Faith, Hope, and the power of the Holy Sprit in our everyday lives. This message has been a blessing to all who have heard it!

In both the concert and worship settings, 70x7 has partnered with many church organizations, including the United Methodist Church, Roman Catholic Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, Presbyterian Church of America, Presbyterian Church USA, Assemblies of God, American Baptist Churches USA, Christian & Missionary Alliance Church, Pentecostal Church of God, and Independent Christian Churches.


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What The Ministry Of Music Can DoThe 60-Second PrayerThe Musician's Prayer

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